I had a great time with the Millers this week in MN. Cal is sooo hilarious and Ike is super cuddl-ey and soft. Alisa came over on Friday while I was babysitting and Cal was nice enough to show her his "scrotum" in the tub. He jumped on my face Friday morning yelling "I'm poopy!" (and stinky) What a kid.
Mom picked me up from the airport and got completly lost and kept passing the terminal entrance. We're talking about Midway here. So I'm waiting and waiting and looking around and after about 30 min. of her driving around on Cicero Ave., there she appears ---- in the TAXI LANE! I about P'eed my pants. I had to drag my bag across 2 lanes back to where she was and try to get my bag in the trunk without falling over from laughter and shock. We were laughing so hard we were both crying and meanwhile the cabbies were glaring at us something serious. Mom, I hope this isn't the beginning of the end of your driving career. Thanks for the ride.