A special start to this world on a Sunday afternoon,
His mother was baptized, baby still in the womb.
That was late spring and by the end of the year,
What joy! A boy! And not an eye without a tear.
Home… gazing… the shimmer of moonlight caressing his face,
All would be changed forever now. We wouldn’t remember a time without him in place.
Some colicky nights that he quickly outgrew,
To play happily alone or giggling & gurgling when attended to.
A little boy with swings and sandbox, sitting under the sun,
And two sisters coming along to eventually join in the fun.
In school he liked reading and did well in art.
He made lots of friends and must’ve broke some little girl’s heart.
In junior high he wore a mullet and light blue tapered jeans,
He played basketball & was crowned king, well liked by his peers it seems.
In high school we found he had his dad’s legs & speed,
Breaking records in track and running hard in cross-country.
A short stint at college, some jobs here and there,
It took him awhile to find a calling in which to place care.
He found a house he loved and wanted to make a home,
And a girl of his dreams to bring to so they would no longer roam.
We skip ahead now and find him being born, again, somehow.
Jason David Staton, a babe to this new life he’ll avow,
But I see a great man of faith, admitting he’s been broken,
Wanting all to taste of this world to which he‘s been woken.
His art is still there and comes out in different ways:
Plaster molds, cooking, walks in the woods with his dogs these days.
His heart is kinder from the soft blows of love.
He’s still funny and quick, oh the crazy things he thinks of!
Well, birthdays are a great way to end out the year,
Thinking back with love on all you hold dear.
And this is my way of saying to my son
I love you Jas and because of you I’m the blessed one!
Have a great birthday Jas!
Love you,