1. She used to eat raw ground beef.
2. She made pizza for my birthday parties every year.
3. She shouted, “Pull this damn car over!” on the first Christmas without dad because us kids were fighting.
4. She never talked bad about anyone.
5. I loved when she would color with me in the rec room with the red shag carpet.
6. I dragged her into the classroom on the first day of kindergarten even though none of the other kids were with their parents. (I was only four! She must have wanted to get rid of me…)
7. She ate food off of my plate instead of her own plate. (She claimed it was less calories that way.)
8. She was the first person to crack Cal up. He was three months old and she was bouncing him on the bed.
9. She got nasty drunk at Cousin Beth’s wedding.
10. We took naps together everyday when I was in kindergarten.
11. “Ewwww. Who farted?” We all ask. Mom says, “I burped…”
12. She sang solos at church. “Hallowed be Thy Name”
13. I asked who Santa was. “He’s not real,” Becky shouts. “That’s true,” mom says.
14. She found a worm in her salad over dinner.
15. We watched One Life to Live together.
16. She got a point for catching Eric and me kissing in the pool.
17. She burnt my head with kerosene by trying to get rid of lice.
18. She took the time to try to teach me to sew. We made a vest and a skirt.
19. We would dunk her under water in the pool with her sunglasses on.
20. “Mama needs a new pair of shoes! Oooowwww!”
21. She took back the pearl necklace we bought her.
22. She always gave me back scratches whenever I asked.
23. There were many times she had to wash Becky’s mouth out with soap.
24. The one time she farted (or the one time she admitted it…) in the rec room.
25. She came to see both of our kids right after they were born.
26. She plunged my puke and Jason’s poop at the same time.
27. She made me wear the same clothes two days in a row.
28. She took us to school in her robe.
29. She came home smelling like deli meat.
30. She came back from her and dad’s motorcycle trip looking like a black person.
31. We made home-made play-dough.
32. She told me about sex in the car when I couldn’t run away (Becky remembers this, too).
33. She bought me a mini chocolate milk when we went grocery shopping to keep me happy.
34. She told me in the kitchen that she once did bad heroine.
35. She used to make tons of Christmas cookies and freeze them so we could go down anytime and eat them.
36. She bought lots and lots of frozen pizzas and we ate lots and lots of frozen pizzas.
37. When I asked her why she quit her new job at The Octagon, she told me that she quit to spend more time with us kids.
38. I used to brush her hair until it was totally frizzed while we watched TV (probably The Cosby Show).
39. When Dad was in the hospital, he convinced her to hop in bed with him to cuddle (lots of people were there).
40. Her really short 80’s haircut.
41. I tricked her into eating a mayonnaise-next-to-the-cheese sandwich.
42. She used to make all my stuffed animals talk. I loved it!
43. I got a new Easter outfit every year and she let me pick them out!
44. She runs all crazy into stores when it’s raining- usually she even screeches.
45. “I’d buy me some Hawaiian slaves.”
46. She was so brave and moved into the city when she was 50!
47. I once joined mom at her aerobics class and we exercised to “Physical.”
48. She rubbed my head by my hairline whenever I was sick or needed love.
49. She called me out of school whenever I didn’t feel good. She called Becky out of school whenever she wanted.
50. She was there for my college graduation, took pictures and then got all the film wet.
51. I missed her first wedding, but got to be there for her second. She looked beautiful.
52. On his birthday, she would make Jason’s favorite cake- Oreo Ice cream Cake.
53. She let me eat raw cookie dough.
54. She has made five sweaters (and counting) for her gorgeous grandchildren.
55. The ongoing memory of always being there to talk.
Thanks, Mom!
Please post your own awesome memory of Sally!
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