The fascination of the rolling coins.

We had lots of fun at the Nature Museum. It was interesting for Tom & I and very kid friendly! They had live snakes & soft shell turtles and turanchulas as well as lots of dead animals that were stuffed. There was a garfish there as big as a person. Don't know about Lake of the Ozarks anymore.

Cal swinging on vines in his new sporty outfit that Grandma Barb & Grandpa Steve bought him.

This was a beautiful butterfly arboritum that had hundreds of live butterflies fluttering all around, some of them even landing on people. Cal was a little freaked out after watching a girl with a butterfly on her shirt being jittery and decided that he really didn't want one to land on him. It was really spectacular and we all were in awe. Gotta love these boys! Are they adorable or what?!

Cal took the ring for the ring toss & used it as a head band (after seeing Ike do it 1st which I didn't get a picture of).

Then it was off to the beach 2 mornings. We went early when it was still quiet & as the morning wore on there were lots of kids for Cal & Ike to play with.

He doesn't look grumpy to me!

Ike loved the Barrel of Monkeys & found out he could make the barrel squeak.

Cal built this the night before. We had a really hard time keeping Ike from destroying it. Cal took these pics as I was trying to hold Ike back. Eventually the destroyer won out.

Cal very happy about his creation.

Our time ended by jammin' with Grandpa Stache. Or at least he let the kids use his headphones. He was too sick to jam. Poor Grandpa. :(

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